by Dumitru Bacu



(c) 1971, Soldiers of the Cross, Englewood, Colorado

The original Romanian manuscript, under the title, Pitesti, Centru de Reeducare Studentesca,

was published at Madrid in 1963





Dr. Simionescu Serban, Gheorghe Gafencu Limberea, Paul Oprisan, Constantin Onac et ceterorum




by Warren B. Heath


The author of this book, a Romanian born in Greek territory, went to Romania for his

university education and there became a member of the anti-Communist organization

that flourished in that nation before and during the tragic and fratricidal Second World

War. After the Bolshevik conquest of Romania, the Soviets, undoubtedly on orders from

their masters, maintained a pretense that their occupation was merely temporary and

further disguised their purposes by keeping on the throne as King of Romania the

legitimate heir, a young man who was merely a puppet in their hands, but served to give

to the people an illusive hope that Romania, though devastated and impoverished, might

again become a free nation. In this hope, of course, the Romanians (like many other

captive peoples) were encouraged by the governments of the Western nations that had

won the military victory. Those governments, especially in the United States, maintained

a pretense that they were not the servants of the Bolsheviks’ masters, and, whenever

they deemed it expedient to administer a little verbal paregoric to their own population,

manufactured oratory about “defending the Free World” and “containing Communism.”

Americans, who were so charmed by those phrases that they did not notice what their

own government was doing, cannot blame the Romanians (or the others) for having

supposed that the official verbiage was an indication of national policy.


During the early years of Soviet occupation, therefore, the Romanian people entertained

delusive hopes of eventual liberation, and the author of this book accordingly remained in

Romania, his true fatherland. When he was at last arrested and imprisoned on suspicion

of holding opinions inimical to Bolshevism, he, luckily, suffered only the excruciating

tortures and hardships that are normal in what is called a Great Society. During his

imprisonment, however, he had by chance an opportunity to learn of an experiment

conducted on a select group of young men, and he had the acumen and patience to

discover precisely what that experiment was. In this book he discloses for the first time

the facts about a practice of which the peoples of the West still know nothing.


Bacu speaks only of what he knows of what he witnessed with his own eyes and learned

from the lips of men who had, despite themselves, been stripped of their humanity by an

infallible scientific technique. His subject, therefore, is what the Bolsheviks secretly did to

human beings in the prison at Pitesti[1] from 1949, when the experiment began, to 1951,

when it seems to have been temporarily discontinued for some reason unknown.


What is described in these pages is not, however, an isolated event. Everyone who has

had experience in military intelligence dealing with the Bolsheviks, or who has made a

close study of information that is available from little known but authentic sources, will

recognize in Bacu’s pages a detailed description of a technique that the implacable

enemies of mankind have used in many lands perhaps in all countries that are officially

Communist for many years. The military intelligence agencies of Western nations have

long known that a film demonstrating basic Pavlovian procedures was produced in Russia

for training the Bolshevik secret police in 1928, and that the intelligence service of at

least one nation succeeded in obtaining a copy of that film. After the notorious “purge”

trials in Russia in 1936, when the masters of that country for some reason thought it

advisable to exhibit to the world their ability to elicit the most incredible confessions from

highly-placed and hardened Bolsheviks, intelligent observers naturally wondered what

means could have been employed to produce such amazing results. Certain Western

intelligence services sought to ascertain what means had been used, and eventually

ascertained them in sufficient detail to show that the essentials of the method were

precisely those that Mr. Bacu has described for us.


Military intelligence services naturally do not publish what they have learned by their

secret and often perilous operations. Perhaps the first hint of the new method given to

the general public came from George Orwell, who, in his 1984, portrayed the

internationalists’ Utopia and described some parts of the Communist technique,

eliminating much that was too realistic for the taste of the reading public at that time, and

replacing it with some episodes that could give a dramatic touch to what was in reality

unspeakably vile and interminably monotonous. From 1984, however, an alert reader

could have surmised much that was left unsaid. Since then, confirmatory evidence has

become available from many sources, often fragmentary, for victims who have the

stamina to tell what was done to them may nevertheless be understandably reticent about

the worst aspects of the degradation imposed on them. They often censor their reports,

to avoid harrowing unendurably the feelings of a humane reader or arousing total

disbelief in tender-minded individuals from whom miseducation or innate sentimentality

has concealed the ultimate horrors that lie hidden in creatures anatomically

indistinguishable from human beings.


It almost never happens that we have a report from a survivor who at the time observed

and interviewed the piteous victims of scientific bestiality, but, by a lucky chance, himself

escaped the traumatic and mind-destroying shock of the torments they had undergone.

That is what makes the book here translated from the Romanian unique. Bacu, to whom

we owe our only authoritative report on the “Pitesti Phenomenon,”[2] was such a survivor.


In these pages, the reader will, for the first time, have at his disposal a fairly complete

account of Bolshevik techniques of dehumanization, including some details, here

mentioned as delicately as possible, of which we do not like to think. On these, Bacu

does not insist, but you will see their import. One aspect concerning which he is silent is

the sexual torments that form a standard part of the Bolshevik method. That is a large

omission, but scholars who have had the fortitude to study the works of the celebrated

“Marquis” de Sade[3] and his peers will readily perceive what was involved, while a

specific report here would not only sicken most readers, but would prevent the

distribution of this book through the United States mails.[4]


This account, as I have said, deals with prisons in Romania, but the procedures used

there have been and are used wherever the anti-humans have gained control. Identical

procedures, together with such improvements as may have been suggested by their

experiments and delights in Romania and other captive nations, will be used everywhere

that their power is extended including, of course, the United States, if that nation reaches

the goal toward which it is presently moving at a vertiginous speed.


If the Americans succumb, they will remember this book as a prophecy that was

completely fulfilled.


* * * * *


Apart from its value to Americans as foreshadowing things to come certain to come, if

the operations now in progress in the United States are carried to a successful

conclusion this book, although not couched in the technical terminology of psychology

and psychiatry, should be of absorbing interest to everyone who, regardless of his

political desires or prognostications, is sincerely interested in study of the human

consciousness. It delineates the result of a crucial experiment that could not have been

performed on Occidentals outside Soviet territory.


This book is a landmark in the broad field now generally designated by a term adapted

from the Russian, psychopolitics. Psychopolitics, a technology rather than a science

since it is a practical application of data obtained by research in several sciences, may

be defined as the art of controlling a nation by controlling the minds of the politically

dominant majority of its population.


As a designation, psychopolitics is preferable to psychological warfare, which, though

correct, is often taken to mean only operations directed against an enemy nation in the

course of armed conflict. An excellent example of such propaganda attacks is President

Wilson’s famous “fourteen points,” a group of fairy-stories about the peace and justice

that the American Santa Claus had in his bag for good little boys and girls in Europe.[5]

That high-sounding nonsense, which seemed plausible to persons addicted to idealistic

fantasies and romantic fiction, is credited with having broken the will of the German

people and induced them to surrender in 1918, after which, of course, it was easy to

inflict on them suffering and starvation, Bolshevik outbreaks, and finally a monetary

inflation so enormous that the international people then in Germany could “legally”

appropriate most of the property in Germany that they had not already acquired,

“legality” being observed by handing a few American dollars to famished and despairing

Germans in return for land, buildings, or factories worth a thousand or a million times that



The “fourteen points” are justly regarded as one of the great triumphs of psychological

warfare, but under modern conditions verbal bombardments, unlike artillery fire, cannot

be aimed in one direction. Clever as the “fourteen points” were, we may legitimately

wonder whether they would have made the German populace simper, if the populace had

not been made susceptible to such gabble by the long and patient work of enemy aliens

and their hirelings. What is more significant, substantially the same drivel was used,

through Wilson and other mouthpieces, to pep up the American people and make them

glad to furnish cannon fodder and money to “make the world safe for democracy” by

devastating Europe in a “war to end wars.” Wilson’s ideological barrage was directed

against Americans as much as against Germans, and we may wonder which nation, in

the long run, was the more damaged.


Under modern conditions, psychological warfare is necessarily waged by a government

against its own subjects and only secondarily against a foreign country, and the real

beneficiary is invariably the international nation that controls both sides in the war that it

has arranged for its own purposes. Only if we keep that fact in mind can we use the term

psychological warfare correctly.


The tactical and strategic use of psychopolitics that the Soviet recommends to its allies

and agents in the United States and other nations of the West yet uncaptured has been

set forth in a remarkable document of which several copies appear to have reached the

United States in the 1930’s and later. It is most widely known and generally available as a

booklet, Brain-washing, a Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics, with an

introduction by the Reverend Mr. Kenneth Goff, who was a member of the Communist

Party in the United States from 1936 to 1939, and who had studied psychopolitics in a

special Communist training school in Milwaukee. He states that the textbook, although

issued for the use of English-speaking students in Lenin University, was also “used in

America for the training of Communist cadre.” An almost identical text was obtained from

a confidential source in 1955 by a Professor Charles Stickley of New York City and

published in that year.[6] A quite similar text, with only minor variations, came into the

possession of Mr. Louis Zoul, the well-known author of Thugs and Communists, who

published in The Soviet Inferno the greater part of the text divided into short sections,

each of which is followed by copious corroboration from many sources, such as Anatoli

Granovsky’s I Was an NKVD Agent and Captain Robert A. Winston’s The Pentagon

Case, as well as letters from individuals who escaped from Cuba and other proletarian



In the publications before Mr. Zoul’s, the text is preceded by a commendatory address,

evidently delivered at Lenin University by Lavrentiy Beria, the Jew who was Head

Butcher in the Russia satrapy from 1938 when he liquidated another Jew, the

unspeakable Yezhov until 1953, when he was in turn liquidated by another and even

more ferocious Jew. The date of the oration is not given, but it would seem to be earlier

than 1938 and to come from the time when Beria, in addition to feeding his blood-lust in

Transcaucasia, was presiding over the manufacture of “historical studies” for the use of

educated simpletons in the United States and elsewhere.


The “synthesis,” which deals with the uses of psychopolitics rather than techncal details,

is obviously a condensation and omits most of the Marxist jargon with which admittedly

Communist publications for the general public are almost invariably larded.[8] It does,

however, maintain the pretense, discarded only on the very highest levels, that

psychological warfare against Western nations is directed from Moscow in the interests

of Russia, and that the goal is the destruction of “capitalism.” The text, though candid

enough in treating the American people as enemies who must be destroyed or enslaved,

was evidently designed for students who would forget that the Bolshevik capture of

Russia was, of course, planned, financed, and directed by the Schiffs, Warburgs, and

other wealthy Jews then living in the United States who used their control over the

governments of Germany, Great Britain, France, and the United States to ensure the

Bolsheviks’ triumph over the Russians.[9] The students were also expected to believe or

pretend that “capitalism” included the international lords of finance, who have always

found their Soviet colony an extremely profitable investment both in itself and as a means

of exploiting their control over the money and banking of nations that are told that they

are “free.”


The text of Brain-washing[10] deals primarily with means of inducing insanity or idiocy in

selected victims and is thus directly relevant to the Pitesti experiment described in the

present book. It is not, however, a complete treatise, even in outline, of psychopolitics; it

barely alludes to very important weapons of psychological warfare. We cannot digress to

discuss those weapons here, but no one should overlook the efficacy of scientifically

produced propaganda[11] in the United States, where it is virtually a monopoly of the

Jews, who, through advertising, can control the ever diminishing number of newspapers,

periodicals, and broadcasting stations that they do not own outright. The best strategic

propaganda is produced by manufacturing impassioned argument and violent

controversy on “both sides” of a given question, so that the public accepts as

unquestionable fact everything that both sides” in the contrived controversy seem to take

for granted.


Propaganda, if properly used, can always control a majority of a given population, but will

always be ineffective against both the critical intelligence of independent minds and the

faith of a religion that the propaganda line openly contradicts. Although the minds can

usually be hired, and theologians can be employed to “modernize” the religion, there will

always be troublesome exceptions, even after a century of strenuous effort. In the

conquest of a country by psychopolitics, the exceptions must be put under physical

restraint and either liquidated or made harmless imbeciles or, if possible, converted into

useful zombies.


This is the problem with which the text of Brain-washing is principally concerned, and

with particular reference to the United States, where naked terrorism through the

government was impossible in the 1930’s, and is not yet feasible, even today. The

principles expounded in the text and the methods suggested are indisputably authentic:

they are the standard Soviet application of the discoveries made in Russia, before the

Bolshevik conquest, by Dr. Ivan Petrovich Pavlov, whose scientific talents the shrewd

Bolsheviks were able to take over and put to their own use.[12] You will find the essentials

stated in the text.


The “synthesis” of the textbook on psychopolitics recommends and prescribes for use

against Americans a propaganda campaign for “mental health” to obtain from the stupid

Americans acquiescence in legislation to authorize the “legal” kidnapping of troublesome

Americans and their incarceration in prisons (to be called “hospitals”) in which “trained

psychiatrists” of alien origin and their brutish assistants can induce insanity, Imbecility,

or, if necessary, death by means of scientific tortures, especially “electric shock

therapy” (which can be used to break the backbone), or mind-destroying drugs, such as

the now famous L.S.D., which was only later produced by the Weizmann Laboratories in

Israel and shipped to the United States for surreptitious sale to adolescents and children

whose minds had been given a preliminary conditioning in the public schools.


In the 1930’s, the “mental health” scheme would doubtless have seemed preposterous

and ridiculous to the stolid and happy-go-lucky Americans, if they had heard of it. It has

now, however, been almost completely implemented, and has already been used in a

considerable number of cases, a few of which have attracted some little attention,

especially that of the abduction of General Edwin A. Walker, which failed because he

had prominent friends who acted before he could be destroyed, of Frank Britton, who

had dared to criticize Jews and was effectively silenced, and of the journalist, Fred

Seelig, who, through a miscalculation, was prematurely released and had time to narrate

his experience in print before he died.[13] We may expect, however, that the procedure

will be used with increasing frequency and less secrecy, and that soon it will be mere

routine for Americans who make themselves obnoxious to their masters (for example, by

claiming that the “United Nations” or the Federal Reserve System or the Marxist income

tax is “un-Constitutional,” or by pretending that God’s People do not have a right to use

lesser breeds for their own profit and fun) to be hauled to Springfield, Missouri, or some

other equivalent of Pitesti on the western side of the Atlantic, and there, with “loving

care,” be restored to “mental health” as vertebrate vegetables.


Despite the panoply of refined techniques, such as surgical operations on the brain

(“lobotomy”), excruciating electrical torments, and subtle drugs, it is noteworthy that even

in the United States at the present time the favored procedure is to subject inconvenient

Americans to a kind of physical degradation of the same kind as that used at Pitesti,

though, for some reason, less intense and systematic. A typical case is that of the

American journalist, who, having come upon evidence that compromised the nest of

homosexual perverts in Washington, was kidnapped by a U. S. Marshal and hustled to

Springfield, Missouri, where he was stripped and thrust naked into a small cell, of which

the floor and three sides were of rough concrete, while the fourth was a ponderous steel

door. There was no furnishing of any kind in the cell, and only two openings, one a

round hole in the floor leading to a sewer, and the other a ventilator, through which were

sent blasts of frigid air alternating with shrill, deafening, cacophonous, and rhythmically

disoriented “music,” intended both to damage the auditory nerves and to make sure that

the poor wretch in the cell could not possibly fall asleep as he stretched his naked body

on the rough concrete. Naturally, the victim’s skin, abraded by the concrete, soon

developed open sores, and his despairing mind eventually took refuge in periods of total

stupor that even the howling din coming through the ventilator could not break. After

being deprived of food and water for three days and nights, the victim was forced to

obtain them by crawling on his hands and knees in minimum time to a pot placed on the

sill of the briefly opened door.[14]


In the United States it has thus far been necessary to use a certain amount of discretion

and pretense in the destruction of anti-Communist nuisances, but in Romania, after the

completion of the take-over, more effective secrecy made precautions less necessary.


The Pitesti experiment dispensed with such complicated and expensive paraphernalia as

electrical apparatus, brain surgeons, and specially prepared drugs. It used only the

simplest tools, everywhere procurable: clubs, the bestiality of degenerates, the weakness

of human nature when attacked by Pavlov’s methods. The results of the experiment were,

as you will see, impressive and appalling. They proved that no one could resist the

techniques of the Anti-Humans, but whether the experiment was entirely a success is a

question that must be left to your decision on the basis of your estimate of what the

experimenters hoped to discover or prove, while a critique of their methodology must be

left to the few Occidentals who have expert knowledge of psychobiological processes.


What no reader of this book can fall to perceive, if only for a moment before he tries to

forget the “unthinkable,” is the unspeakably vile and sadistic lusts of the contrivers of the

experiment at Pitesti appetites so foreign to everything that he regards as human that the

creatures who are animated by them can be described only as the “enemies of

mankind,” or, concisely, as the Anti-Humans.


What is described in this book happened in Romania after the Bolsheviks discarded the

pretense that they were tender-hearted humanitarians bringing “equality” and “civil rights”

to the downtrodden victims of the wicked “Fascists” and “anti-Semites.” Before and even

after the Anti-Humans stopped dissembling, some Romanians were, by foresight or good

luck, able to escape westward, and even to make their sufferings known, as Mr. Bacu

has done in this book, to peoples not yet imprisoned.


When the United States has progressed to the point reached by Romania in 1948, there

will be no place on earth to which Americans can flee, and there will be no one to hear

their screams.


* * * * *


All that remains to be said to introduce Mr. Bacu’s book to American readers can be

expressed in a few pages giving such information about Romania as will enable

Americans to appreciate the human drama the pathos and the tragedy of this narrative.


Romania was for centuries, even while it was under the comparatively mild and humane

oppression of the Moslems, the easternmost land of the West. The nation was born of the

Roman conquest of Dacia (101-106), and there Rome left an imprint that has thus far

been indelible and a spiritual heritage that survives in the heart of the people.


The civilization of Romania was the civilization of the West. The names of men and

places may be unfamiliar to your eyes, but the people you will recognize as your own

kind and their thoughts will be the thoughts of the Christian West.


There is, however, one peculiarity of Romania that requires some preliminary

explanation, for it is the very opposite of what contemporary experience in the United

States and, for that matter, in most Western nations to varying degrees makes us take

for granted.


The persons whom the Bolshevik beasts selected for dehumanization were a clearly

defined group: university students. That was because in Romania, in sharp antithesis to

what we see in the United States today, university students were a highly respected elite

and included men who combined the vigor and ardor of youth with unsurpassed

patriotism and a lucid conservatism, intellectual and religious.


This fact, which will seem so paradoxical to Americans today, was the result of two

concurrent factors.


Romania was essentially a land of peasants with limited industrial and commercial

classes. The four universities, at Iasi (founded by Prince Cuza in 1860), Bucharest

(founded in 1864), Cluj (1872) and Cernauti (1875), each divided into several faculties

(theology, philosophy, letters, science, law, and medicine), were open to all who had

completed their studies in a lyceum (liceu, translated ‘high school’ in the present book).

The lyceum had relatively high standards, requiring, for example, the learning of French

and German as well as either Latin and Greek or English and Italian, and weeded out the

intellectually incompetent.[15] Only a small fraction, therefore, of Romanian youth

entered the universities, and consequently a considerable prestige was attached to the

very word student (i.e. university student, since a pupil in a secondary school was an

elev). It suggested a considerable intellectual ability and a serious purpose, for the

students in Romanian universities were, for the most part, the children of hardworking

peasants or of earnest professional men; the scions of the wealthy more often than not

went abroad for their education.


To this fact we must add a second, that will be even more astonishing to the American

reader. The Romanian universities were as much centers of ardent patriotism and

conservatism as American colleges, in the period of 1920-50, were centers of

internationalism and socialism. The prevailing atmosphere of staunch conservatism also

distinguished Romanian universities from other European universities. For this there

were several reasons.


Romania was essentially an agrarian country and a large percentage of the studenti had

had closer contact with the realities of life than was usual in Germany and France. More

important, Romania was a small nation with a clear consciousness of its national

individuality as a Western nation, tracing its origins to the Roman conquest of Dacia, and

encompassed by peoples of Byzantine, Slavic, or Oriental traditions. It had stubbornly

maintained that consciousness through centuries of alien domination, attaining a

precarious and transient independence in 1600, only to fall again under the rule of the

Turks. After numerous interventions by Russia, the enemy of Turkey, and after many

episodes of valiant resistance to both Russians and Turks, Romania, formed by the union

of Wallachia and Moldavia, gained autonomy in 1859, but remained under the suzerainty

of the Turkish Sultan, and did not become fully and formally independent until 1881.

Independence so recently attained and constantly threatened remained in the Romanian

mind the precious guerdon of nationality at a time when the larger nations of Europe

were taking themselves and their prosperous perpetuity for granted.


Romania, moreover, had Russia on its eastern frontier Russia which, in 1812, had seized

and annexed Bessarabia, a region containing a large population of Romanian blood.

After the International Conspiracy captured Russia in 1917, Romanians could not fail to

know what the beasts did in Russia and especially in Bessarabia. Moreover, it was the

Romanian army that in August 1919 occupied Budapest and freed Hungary from the

unspeakable vermin led by Israel Cohen, alias Bela Kun. The Romanians knew what

Bolshevism was, and whence it sprang. In the United States, separated from the reality

by thousands of miIes and an infected press, many stupid or cunning professors could

gabble about a “noble experiment” and a “people’s regime,” but in Romania such

nonsense, so utterly at variance with observed reality, was recognized as either asinine

or criminal.


To these considerations must be added another equally important. Although, as was to be

expected, Romanian universities naturally tended to imitate the far older and venerable

universities of the great European powers, especially Germany and France, there was a

significant difference that limited the more deleterious aspects of that influence. The

faculties of Romanian universities, especially Iasi and Bucharest, were predominantly

composed of Romanians, whereas, of course, elsewhere in Europe university teaching

had been invaded by large contingents of the international people. Before the Treaty of

Adrianople in 1829, the Jews, for the most part, had ignored Romania, an impoverished

land under Turkish rule, and had by preference swarmed into nations where the

prospects of easy pickings from the natives were far more attractive.[16] After 1829,

hordes of Jews came over the borders, but, despite various efforts by France and

Germany to procure for these intruders in Romania the privileged status they enjoyed

elsewhere, Jews were, for all practical purposes, debarred from citizenship until 1923,

when the Romanian government then in office yielded to the pressures of the “great

powers.”[17] It thus happened that in Romania, unlike France and Germany, the

universities were still largely staffed by men who in mind and spirit belonged to the

nation, and they were not dominated by an alien race whose members can, with the

facility of chameleons, take on the color of whatever the environment in which they

choose to reside. In Romanian universities, therefore, patriotism was intellectually

respectable, and, on the whole, taken for granted until 1918.


After 1918, although faculties remained largely Romanian, the situation became

confused. Some professors seem to have been either bemused by the glib patter of

Marxism, a “doctrine” cleverly designed to addle mediocre brains that can be fascinated

by pseudo-intellectual verbiage, or intimidated by the Bolsheviks’ boast that they

represent a mysterious but irresistible “wave of the future.” Many others, perhaps fearing

for their comfort or lives, concealed their real sentiments and remained silent or took

refuge in ambiguous pronouncements. A few, however, fearlessly maintained Romanian

traditions and asserted their intellectual integrity. They provided the inspiration for the

patriotic and conservative movements among the university students.


The reaction of the students was doubtless hastened by a simple sociological pressure.

The Jews, although they were numerically only a small part of the population even after

the great influx at the end of the World War, swarmed into the universities and began to

jostle out the natives. According to the official statistics, for example, in the spring

semester of 1920 at the University of Cernauti there were enrolled in the College of

Philosophy 574 Jews and only 174 Romanians; in the College of Law, 547 Jews and 234

Romanians. At the University of Iasi 831 Jews were enrolled in the College of Medicine

as against 556 Romanians, and in the College of Pharmacy, 229 Jews and 97

Romanians.[18] These are, of course, some of the most striking disproportions, but

everyone will see why, especially in such academic institutions, young Romanians,

finding themselves a minority amidst a throng of pushing, versipellous, and disputatious

aliens, and doubtless also often finding themselves eclipsed scholastically by the mental

agility and Oriental subtlety of the Protean race, should have turned ardently to patriotic



There was a further development that will be even more astonishing to the American

reader. It may be that before the First World War in Romania, a largely peasant nation

but recently emancipated from Moslem control, Christianity retained a greater vigor and

commanded a more general piety than in other countries of Europe, though it would be

difficult to make an accurate comparison between Romania and, for example, Brittany,

Bavaria, or Piedmont. Romanian universities were, of course, profoundly affected by the

intellectual climate of the great European universities and necessarily reflected the

dominant attitudes of thought, from German “idealism” to the “religion of humanity”

preached by Auguste Comte in his more lucid intervals; from the stern pessimism of

Schopenhauer to the graceful and universal irony of Anatole France. To a very large

extent the intellectual life of Europe was dominated by the attitude that Christianity was an

historical phenomenon characteristic of an age whose passing one might view with joy,

indifference, or regret, but which, whether for better or worse, was passing ineluctably

away: religion was a waning superstition that still had power only over the uneducated.

These currents of European thought necessarily affected educated Romanians, who, as

a matter of course, read and wrote French fluently and, in many cases, German also.


Romanians will, no doubt, variously estimate the direct effect on their intellectual life of

the dire and immediate menace of Bolshevism in the period that followed the First World

War. Certainly all intelligent Romanians could see that their enemies were anti-Christian

were in both word and deed frantic enemies of the Western World, whose culture had

for fifteen centuries been specifically Christian, and whose nations had been so

distinctively set apart from others by their religion that they had been little conscious of

the underlying racial unity of the West. In the 1920’s, it must be remembered, Bolshevik

propaganda was stridently anti-Christian, denouncing religion as “the opiate of the

people,” signalizing its victories by massacring ecclesiastics, defiling shrines, and

converting churches into stables or warehouses, and teaching militant atheism in its

schools.[19] It was not until much later that the Bolsheviks could implement on any

extensive scale their other and complementary technique of utilizing renegade ministers

and priests to spread the germs of Bolshevism under the guise of a “social gospel” or

“ecumenical Christianity.” Until 1930, at least, the established Christian churches were

almost universally regarded as a bulwark against the International Conspiracy.

Furthermore, in 1919, the multitude of Jews residing in Romania, deeming a Bolshevik

victory imminent, had prematurely and indiscreetly dropped their pretense and appeared

openly as the instigators of “proletarian” riots and sabotage, and the suborners of

violence and treason, not troubling to disguise their eager anticipation of a glorious

butchery that would put the natives in their place. Thus the fundamental and necessary

hostility between Christianity and the various doctrines of Judaism again made

Christianity the symbol of Romanian nationalism as opposed to its foreign and domestic



In these circumstances, it was only to be expected that Romanian patriotic societies

would be specifically Christian, but some, I suspect, used Christianity primarily as a

symbol of their purpose. The first of the patriotic organizations was the Guard of the

National Conscience (Garda Constiintei Nationale), founded by Constantin Pancu, a

simple steelworker whom his fellows elected their leader, primarily to expose the

nonsense of the “proletarian” propaganda with which the Bolsheviks were trying to

confuse and utilize Romanian laborers for the invariable but concealed Bolshevik

purpose of ultimately reducing them to brutalized slavery.


In 1923, the National Christian Defense League (Liga Apararii Nationale Crestine) was

founded by one of Romania’s most distinguished scholars, A. C. Cuza, Professor of Law

in the University of Iasi, with the discreet support of the internationally known historian,

Prof. Nicolae Iorga, who is, perhaps, best known in the United States for his History of

the Byzantine Empire, which has appeared in several English editions.[20] A league

headed by scholars of such eminence naturally had great prestige among university

students and educated men in general and it became a force of very considerable

political importance, particularly after it merged in 1935 with the political party headed by

Octavian Goga, prominent poet, litterateur, and statesman. Although the National

Christian Defense League sought the support of the sincerely religious, its inner

direction was rationalistic, basing its avowed hostility to Jews and Bolsheviks on historical

and scientific grounds. From all that I can learn, Professor Cuza’s creed was essentially

the elegant scepticism of Renan. Professor forga’s historical works treat Christianity with

a cold objectivity. And Octavian Goga, if correctly quoted by Jerome and Jean Tharaud,

seems to have held at heart a view of Christianity similar to that set forth in Nietzsche’s

famous Genealogy of Morals.[21]


The greatest influence over the Romanian students at this juncture was undoubtedly

exerted by Corneliu Z. Codreanu, the son of a teacher in a Moldavian secondary school.

Born 13 September, 1899, he prepared himself in law at the University of Iasi, where he

studied under Professor Cuza, and he later studied abroad in both Germany and France.

A man of iron will, exalted faith, and ardent patriotism, Codreanu, after participating in

the Guard of the National Conscience from its inception and in the National Christian

Defense League, founded on 24 June, 1927 the Legion of Michael the Archangel

(Legiunea Archangelului Mihail). The organization’s principles an unlimited love of

country, a code of personal honor and moral intransigence, the reciprocal loyalty of

knighthood, and rigorous subordination of body to spirit were all based by the founder on

an absolute faith in Christ. The Legion was “indissolubly united under the aegis of God”

and its members pledged themselves to sacrifice themselves without limit or reservation

for God and Country. This was the movement that by its high and noble idealism attracted

to itself all the young elite of the Romanian universities, won their unqualified allegiance,

and largely dominated the thinking of even those who stood aloof or opposed it.


This is why the Romanian university students were, in contrast to those of other Western

nations, profoundly Christian. I have been assured by Romanians that in many cases the

students’ firm religious convictions were shaped not so much by their families or by their

churches as by the inspiration of Codreanu and the rigid Christian discipline he imposed

on all his followers. There can be no doubt but that, from a strictly religious point of view,

Codreanu’s movement represented the greatest and most intense revival of the Christian

faith in any nation during the Twentieth Century. Its influence on the spiritual and

intellectual life of the elite among young Romanians was enormous and transcendent.

That is what makes the Legion unique among the nationalist movements of our age. The

combination of ardent faith and intense nationalism produced a generation of heroes.

The Legion, also known as the Iron Guard (Garda de Fier), sent an expeditionary force

to Spain in 1936 to combat the international vermin there and earned the enduring

gratitude of the Spanish people. And when the war with the Soviet began, the members

of the Guard, taken from the prisons to which they had been sent by the Antonescu

dictatorship in an effort to suppress their movement, formed the very flower of the

Romanian army and were distinguished for their valor and devotion in all the actions of

that war.


This is not the place to summarize, however briefly, the career of Codreanu[22] and the

convulsed history of Romania after the precipitate and illegal return to that country of

Prince Carol, a royal débauché who, after many offenses, had been disinherited and

exiled by his own father. Carol, accompanied by a Jewish harlot to whom he was

completely subservient, returned to Romania in 1930, dethroned his own son to reign in

his stead, and, finding no other way to check the rising political power of the Iron Guard,

overthrew the Constitution in 1938 and made himself dictator of Romania. Codreanu,

arrested on patently false charges, was, together with thirteen of his lieutenants, taken

from prison on the night of 29 November 1938 and, in the early hours of the next

morning, murdered in the forest of Tancabesti at the orders of the royal degenerate.[23]

Carol, with the support of the lords of international finance, ruled Romania by a

combination of fraud and violence until September 1940, when the Iron Guard drove him

and his Oriental leman from the country, and restored his son to the throne.


The gruesome murders in the dark forest of Tancabesti that night in November 1938

were one of the fateful and decisive events of modern history. King Carol, who gave the

orders, himself acted on the orders of his masters, the hidden and malevolent powers

that, through their puppets in the governments of Great Britain, France, and the United

States, were relentlessly herding the peoples of the West toward the catastrophic and

fatal war that Germany was trying so desperately to avert. Carol’s owners were, of

course, the powers that had installed the Bolsheviks in Russia twenty-one years earlier,

and the destruction of the Iron Guard, the only organized and formidable anti-Bolshevik

force in Romania, left Carol free to carry out (as he did less than two years later) the

plan to surrender Romania’s fortified border in Bessarabia to the Soviet and thus open to

the Communist hordes the passes into the Balkans and southeastern Europe.


King Carol’s commitment to subject Romania to the Soviet as soon as the projected war

began was, of course, known to the French government and doubtless in other circles

even before he gave the orders for the murders of Tancabesti, which thus changed the

strategic balance of Europe and were a preliminary to the dire and appalling disaster that

was in fact, as Prince Sturdza has so aptly termed it, the Suicide of Europe.[24] It may

even have been the decisive turning-point.


No diplomat and statesman of the Western world was more farsighted and sagacious

than Prince Michel Sturdza, whose long career as an ambassador in many capitals of

the Western world and corresponding contacts in the highest circles of many

governments gave him excellent sources of information, while his personal position

during the European disaster enabled him to observe and judge with a dispassionate

lucidity that could scarcely have been attained by even the intelligence services of the

great nations that were destroying one another in the interests of their common enemy.

Honest historians must therefore accord great weight to Prince Sturdza’s conclusion that:


It was Codreanu’s murder that prompted Hitler to a radical tactical change in his foreign

policy a change loaded with the most fateful consequences not only for Germany but for

the entire world of Western Civilization ... Hitler made two speedy decisions: The first

was of military character, the occupation of Czecho-Slovakia ... The second was a bold

political decision ... he would negotiate an understanding and an economic arrangement

with Soviet Russia.[25]


By this estimate, Corneliu Codreanu, although he could not have known or even

imagined it, carried with him the destiny of generations then living and yet unborn, and

the crowned hireling whose hand struck him down was, although his clotted mind could

not have guessed it, one of the most pernicious traitors of all time. By any estimate,

Codreanu was a great man.


The most eloquent attestation of the nobility of Codreanu’s character and the purity of his

religious faith is the deep veneration for him and loyalty to his memory felt by his

surviving followers. Thirty years after his death, twenty years and more after failure and

the loss of their country, they are exiles in foreign lands and menaced even there by the

ubiquitous power of the anti-humans and the ever accelerated conquest of the Western

world by its furtive enemies. But for their Captain and his vision they still feel the devotion

that twenty-nine Romanian writers express in their contributions to the recent volume,

Corneliu Codreanu, prezent.


The students of Romania, patriots and Christians, were selected by the anti-humans as

victims of the process described in this book, not so much because they were the

objects of the beasts’ most venomous hatred, as because they provided material for an

experiment that would confirm the universal validity of a technique that the world

conquerors had elaborated long before and thus far used with uniform success. The

anti-humans rightly judged that if the courageous and devoted youth of the Iron Guard,

exalted by the most ardent Christian faith, could not resist the application of a fiendish

science, no humans could ever resist.


That is what makes this narrative so tragic.


The Legion took its motto from Seneca: “He who is willing to die need never be a slave.”

Aye. But what of those who are not permitted to die?



New York City, 1968





       -With the exceptions of names of places (e.g., Bucharest) and persons (e.g., King

Carol) that have well-known English forms, Romanian proper names in this volume are

given in their Romanian spelling, but without the diacritical marks that are used in

Romanian. To avoid excessive expense in setting type, the use of these marks had to be

restricted to actual quotations from Romanian and the index, to which the reader is

referred for the exact form of names and titles requiring diacritics.



       -[Mr. Heath wrote before the publication, late in 1969, of Dr. Ion Carja’s Intoarcerea

din Infern: amintirile unui detinut din inchisorile Romaniei bolsevizate (Madrid, Editura

“Dacia”), a less detailed and explicit book in its description of the methods used. Editor.]



       -Donatien Alphonse Sade (1740-1814), to whom we owe the word sadism, was

condemned to death by French courts for rape, murder by poison, and almost

unbelievable torture of persons whom he kidnapped for that purpose, but the execution of

the sentence was delayed by strange influences until he was liberated from prison by the

French Revolution, during which he was honored and admired for his orations about

“equality” and “brotherhood.” Napoleon had him put in an insane asylum.



       -[Mr.Heath did not anticipate the full effect of decisions by the Supreme Court in

Washington. The mails and the newsstands and the public schools are now open to

every conceivable obscenity that the Jews in the United States find it profitable to

publish. American publishers would probably enjoy the same immunity. Editor.]



       -It is probably true, but irrelevant, that Wilson half-believed himself when he spun his

rhetorical fantasies; if he did, he was selected for the presidency precisely because he

had that capacity for self-intoxication. Colonel Curtis B. Dall in his excellent book (F. D.

R., Tulsa, Oklahoma, 1967, p. 137) reports that a prominent Jew, who had been an

eye-witness and a kind of errand boy for his elders, boasted that in 1912, while Wilson

was being trained for the presidency, Bernard Baruch, one of the great Jewish satraps

stationed in the United States, used to lead Wilson about, “like a poodle on a string,” and

make him recite at Democratic Headquarters, while Baruch’s fellows were egging on

Theodore Roosevelt, whose candidacy, of course, ensured the popular votes for Wilson

needed to make Wilson’s appointment seem “democratic.” We may be sure that Fido

Wilson learned how to sit up and speak “new freedom,” “make the world safe for

democracy,” and the like to the satisfaction of his masters and trainers before they had

him perform before the footlights for the edification of Americans who imagined that they

had selected (elected) him as their Leader. What Fido thinks while he responds to his

cues and performs on the stage is of interest only to Fido’s biographers and to




       -Mr.Goff’s booklet is available from Soldiers of the Cross, $1.00. It is hard to tell

which of the many other printings are still in print. One, containing an excellent

introduction by Eric D. Butler, the well-known Australian publicist and editor of the New

Times of Melbourne, was published by the Victorian League of Rights in Melbourne,

Victoria, in 1956, then priced at 4/-. Another, with a foreword discussing the Soviet

textbook as an obvious source of the “mental health” agitation in the United States, was

published at about the same time by the American Public Relations Forum, Burbank,

California; $1.00.



       -The Soviet Inferno is published by Public Opinion, P. O. Box 4044, Long Island

City, New York; 2nd edition, 1967, $2.00.



       -Marxist doctrine, though very useful for befuddling low-grade minds (which normally

accept as profound any highly touted mass of intricate verbiage that they are unable to

untangle), is believed only by the lowest ranks in the Communist hierarchy. As Duane

Thorin perceived when he was a prisoner of the Communists in China (A Ride to

Panmunjon, Chicago, 1956; p. 39): “Intellects that failed to see through the falsities of

communism were so arrested that they were of only limited use in the totalitarian state.”

Persons with such inert minds are, naturally, not promoted to really responsible positions,

no matter how hard they work or how sadistic they are. The policy of denying them

promotion, which is certainly sound from an organizational standpoint, has led to some

defections which are of no real consequence, since the dullards do not know very much

to reveal and they are easily replaced although, where circumstances make it

convenient, such tools are usually scrapped and liquidated when they begin to show

discontent or claim promised rewards as you will see in Chapter XXVIII of the present

book. In the middle echelons of the organization, comparable to companygrade and

field-grade officers in an army, the ambitious career men, naturally too intelligent to take

their own propaganda seriously, are careful to use the official “ideology” even among

themselves, partly for exercise in unremitting hypocrisy, and partly because they find

Marxist dialectics a game as entertaining as chess. This sport, which may be played for

high stakes, gives rise to clever syllogisms about “deviationism,” “Stalinism,” etc., which

often trap the players. A good example may be found in the work of the Soviet physician,

J. Landowsky, available in a Spanish translation, Sinfonía en rojo mayor (Madrid, 1949),

of which one chapter has appeared in English, translated by George Knupffer, Red

Symphony (London, 1968).



       -Pretense is often dropped on the highest levels in talks with outsiders who are too

well informed to be deceived. Prince Sturdza, in the authentic text of his memoirs (see

the footnote on p. xxxv below) pp. 346 f., reports that when he came to New York in 1929

to obtain a loan for the Romanian government, he had to plead his country’s case with

the mighty Jewish lawyer who represented the great international banking houses of New

York that had directed the Bolshevik seizure of Russia. This lawyer, known as Louis

Marshall (a good Scottish name!), was, as Prince Sturdza says, “a second Bernard

Baruch, less conspicuous but just as influential as the famous proconsul of Judaism

(rather than Jewry) in the United States.” (A proconsul, it will be remembered, was in the

Roman Empire a governor sent into conquered territory to direct and supervise the native

governments, which were allowed some autonomy in local matters that did not directly

affect the interests of the Empire.) Marshall, like other great potentates, disdained to play

a comedy with the suppliant: he took Prince Sturdza to the window, pointed at Wall Street

and said with lordly bluntness: “Look what we can do for a country we like; in Russia we

have show the world what we can do to a country and government we hate.” Prince

Sturdza adds, “Mr. Marshall, a few days later, reiterated that statement to Mr. Gheorghe

Boncescu, the Financial Adviser of our [Romanian] Legation [in Washington].” Marshall

naturally thought it best to profess a liking for the United States, a country which he and

his fellows were about to afflict with an “economic depression,” neatly arranged by a

squeeze through their banks, to ruin influential natives, appropriate their property through

foreclosures, and create the atmosphere of crisis and poverty that would facilitate the

“election” of their talented servant, Franklin Roosevelt.



       -The word brain-washing is “an English translation of a Chinese euphemism,”

according to an article by Professor Revilo P. Oliver in the Birch magazine, American

Opinion, November 1964, pp. 29-40. This article is an excellent discussion of the whole

subject in brief compass, and gives some telling examples of tricks used in public schools

and newspapers, but unfortunately fails to treat the strictly scientific (psychological)

principles of propaganda, which can (and indeed must) be used to create “public

opinion” in modern circumstances. The techniques of propaganda are no more

“Communist” than rifles or airplanes; like all weapons, they work for whomever uses

them, but do not hit the target, if they are not well aimed. In all wars, victory goes to the

side that has the best weapons and uses them most expertly.



       -The best technical treatises on the subject are in French: Jean Stoetzel, Esquisse

d’une theorie des opinions (Paris, 1943), and Jacques Ellul, Propagandes (Paris, 1962).

One cannot too much emphasize the fact, ignored by Professor Oliver and other

American writers, that the techniques of propaganda, like the technology that makes

possible television and computers, have no political or social content. The results that are

obtained by means of a television station or a computer depend entirely on who uses it

for what purpose. It is true that all technological advances place the people who are too

stupid or lazy to use them at a hopeless disadvantage. A nation that neglected or refused

to use airplanes, for example, would necessarily be defeated in war and disappear

(except as a political fiction, if that suited the purpose of the conquerors), but that is not

the fault of the Wright Brothers and General Sikorsky. The effectiveness of propaganda,

in the strict sense of that word, depends largely upon what is technically called

pre-propaganda, i.e., the ideas injected into the minds of children by their education. In

the United States, the public schools were early converted into a very efficient machine

to stunt the minds, pervert the morals, and destroy the self-respect of children, but the

Americans seem pleased with the results, even after they have had a preliminary view of

them in the unwashed derelicts, sexual perverts, drug-addicts, and crazed revolutionaries

that their public schools are systematically producing at their expense. It seems likely,

therefore, that the Americans no longer have either the intelligence or the will to resist

their enemies, and will dumbly acquiesce in the fate prepared for them. Since the

number of Americans who are still permitted to have liquid capital is very small, the ever

increasing number of foresighted refugees who are fleeing from the United States to

other countries is significant, though statistically small.



       -For an account of the way in which this was done, and a transcription of the

preliminary negotiations with Dr. Pavlov, see Dr. Boris Sokoloff’s authoritative report in

his book, The White Nights (New York, 1956), especially pp. 66-72.



       -Frederick Seelig, Destroy the Accuser, with a foreword by Westbrook Pegler and a

commentary by Dr. Revilo P. Oliver (Miami, Florida, Freedom Press, 1967). This book,

which I have seen, has become unprocurable, and I do not have a copy at hand. The

author is said to have died of heart failure in Valparaiso, Indiana, not long after his book

was published, and a letter to the publisher was returned to me with the notation

“unknown”! The book, as I remember, contained some details about the eagerness of the

staff at Springfield to start torturing General Walker, who was kidnapped through the

complicity of Federal judges (compare Judge Petrescu in Chapter XXVIII of the present

book) while the author was a prisoner there.



       -The unfortunate journalist was almost certainly Frederick Seelig, but, for reasons

stated in the preceding note, I have had to quote from the article in American Opinion,

November 1964, p. 31, mentioned above. The writer of that article, Professor Oliver, does

not give the victim’s name, but the circumstances make the identification certain. One

wonders how (or why) Oliver’s article was printed in a Birch publication.



       -Romanian children began the formal study of their first foreign language, French,

in the year corresponding to the fifth grade in American public schools. By the time that

they reached the point that corresponds to the first year of high school in the United

States, Romanian children were reading Cicero in Latin and mastering trigonometry.

Such progress is, of course, merely normal in serious educational institutions. The public

schools in the United States, on the other hand, are designed to blight native intelligence

and produce a nation of nitwits that can be easily manipulated and fleeced by

professional “educators” and other shysters.



       -A concise account of this aspect of Romanian history will be found in the opening

chapters of L’Envoye de l’Archange by the distinguished French authors, Jerome and

Jean Tharaud (Paris, 1939).



       -Strictly speaking, Romania, coerced by a scarcely veiled threat of invasion by

Germany and Great Britain, in 1879 repealed the article in her constitution which, like the

constitution of the State of Pennsylvania that was framed and adopted under the

leadership of Benjamin Franklin, restricted citizenship to Christians. After 1879, the legal

privileges of citizenship were available to all Jews, provided that they either (a) had

served in the armed forces of Romania or (b) applied for such rights and were found on

investigation not to be guilty of political or moral subversion and corruption. Naturally,

only a few thousand thus obtained the legal status of citizens, and it was not until 1923

they could all swarm into Romanian politics and begin to take over the country “legally”

by manipulating greedy politicians. Everyone knows that the Jews are, as they

themselves frankly boast, an international race or “peopledom” who never become in fact

citizens of the nations in which they find it profitable to dwell. As Albert Einstein said,

“There is no such thing as a German Jew, Russian Jew, or American Jew: there are

only Jews.” Hundreds of the most accomplished and intellectually prominent Jews

throughout the world have frankly said the same thing, and all the admitted Zionists have

proclaimed it year after year, but, unaccountably, the people of the Christian West

perversely refuse to believe them and then secretly complain to one another in private

that Jews are not good Christians and not good Englishmen or Americans. Although

Europeans do understand that a European who lives in China is not a Chinaman, most of

them have a curious mania to pretend that a Jew who resides in Europe is a European

and even a mania to punish other Europeans who will not join in the absurd pretense.

The Jews, whose leaders have told the truth often enough, can scarcely be blamed for

taking advantage of the folly of the peoples whom they despise and exploit.



       -These figures are quoted from official sources by Prof. Ion Gavenescul in his

Imperativul momentului istoric, pp. 67 ff.



       -Hence the cliche, “atheistic Communism,” that is still used in many conservative

circles in the United States. To recapture the patriotic outlook of the 1920’s, the reader

will do well to turn to R. M. Whitney’s fundamental Reds in America (New York, 1924), in

which accurate analysis of Bolshevik plans (including the plans for the “Civil Riots”

agitation of the 1960’s) accompanies an implicit confidence that Christian Churches will

remain Christian!



       -Professor Iorga became Prime Minister of Romania for a time in 1931. An estimate

of his conduct in office is beyond the scope of this notice. [His History of Romania,

translated by Joseph McCabe, was published in London in 1925. Ed.]



       -This sufficiently explains why there could be no cooperation between the Christian

Defense League and Codreanu’s Legion of Michael the Archangel, and it is not

necessary to endorse the suspicions of Professor Cuza expressed by Ion Mota in an

essay, “Legiunea si L.A.N.C.”, in the volume Corneliu Codreanu, prezent! (Madrid,




       -For non-partisan and critical accounts of Codreanu’s career, see Paul Guiraud,

Codreanu et la Garde de Fer (Paris, 1940), and the distinctly unsympathetic work by the

brothers Tharaud, L’Envoye de l’Archange, cited above. Brief appreciations by his

followers will be found in Vasile Iasinschi’s Facing the Truth (Madrid, 1966), and in two

volumes of essays by various hands, Corneliu Z. Codreanu in perspectiva a douazeci de

ani (Madrid, 1959) and Corneliu Codreanu, prezent (Madrid, 1966). On the significance

of Codreanu and his movement in the history of Europe during the climacteric years that

ended in what may have been the Suicide of the West, see the work of the distinguisbed

diplomat and scholar, Prince Sturdza, cited below.



       -The method of the murders was singular and remarkable. The fourteen men were

taken in buses to the forest and there each of the men, who had been bound in an odd

way, was strangled with a rope thrown over his head by a gendarme stationed behind

him for that purpose. Then, to give some color to the official story that Codreanu and his

ranking Leqionaries had been “killed while trying to escape,” each corpse was shot in the

back several times before it was thrown into the waiting grave. Prince Sturdza, in the

Romanian text of his memoirs (Madrid, 1966; pp. 133 f.), asks the inevitable question:

“Let us ask ourselves why there was that resort to strangulation, a procedure that was

awkward and complicated in the circumstances, instead of a bullet in the back of the

bead, the simple and usual method and the obvious one to have used, since an hour

later, to simulate an escape, the lifeless bodies were riddled with bullets.” (There is the

further consideration that the bullet, unlike strangulation, would not have left the marks

that were detected by autopsy when, after the flight of Carol, the bodies were exhumed

and the officers who had carried out the murders under orders testified what they had

done). Prince Sturdza then points out that the elaborate and peculiar way in which the

victims were strangled corresponds in every detail to the method by which Jews are

instructed to kill their enemies in a passage of the Talmud that he quotes (p. 134).

Needless to say, this part of Prince Sturdza’s book, like many others, was omitted in the

heavily censored English translation cited in our footnote below.



       -Prince Michel Sturdza wrote his brilliant analysis of the origin of the Second World

War in French: La Bête sans nom enquête sur les responsabilités (Copenhagen, 1944).

Unfortunately he chose to publish his memoirs, which include a comprehensive study of

the European catastrophe and are an absolutely indispensable source for all serious

historians, in Romanian: Romania si sfarsitul Europei amintiri din tara pierduta (Madrid &

Rio de Janeiro, 1966). It is a misfortune that the observations of one of the wisest and

most experienced diplomats of Europe perhaps the only one who witnessed events from

a peculiarly advantageous position, recorded them with philosophical detachment, and

then was free to publish his book without being constrained by a need to apologize for

himself or for a political party or government at the expense of historical truth were

written in a language that so few of our people can read. To make the work generally

available, a wealthy American hired the John Birch Society to perform the technical work

of supervising translation and printing and to distribute the book when it was published:

The Suicide of Europe (Boston, 1968). The choice was unfortunate. The greater part of

Prince Sturdza’s book was accurately and even ably translated, although the material

was drastically rearranged and often curtailed: for example, the concluding paragraphs

of Prince Sturdza’s text (p. 323 of the original) were reduced to a few lines and buried in

a footnote at the bottom of page 23 of the English version. But the text was diligently

censored to eliminate every statement, direct or indirect, that could offend the Birch

Society’s Jewish masters. A great many passages of historical importance were “lost” as

the contents of the book were shuffled around, and in what was left, for example, the

word evrei (“Jews”) is almost invariably translated as “some people” or “certain

individuals,” wherever it could not conveniently be ignored. And, naturally, a long

passage was interpolated to commend and advertise the Birch business. But even in this

mutilated form, The Suicide of Europe is a very valuable book and must be

recommended to everyone (except the few who can read the original) who wishes to

understand the age in which we live.



       -The Suicide of Europe, pp. 120-23; in the original, pp. 137 f. These two sudden

shifts of policy made it seem to the rest of the world that Germany had acted in bad faith

at Munich and that even its opposition to the Soviet was insincere; that certainly

facilitated the work of the international lords who finally forced on the West the suicidal

war which, as the British historian, H. R. Trevor-Roper candidly admits, “Hitler would

have done anything to avoid.” By far the most complete and accurate study of the

complicated diplomatic manoeuvres and intrigues that were needed to start that war is the

carefully documented treatise by Professor David L. Hoggan, which, since it has been

mysteriously “delayed” by the American publisher who had it set in type many years

ago, is thus far available only in the German translation: Der erzwungene Krieg

(Tubingen, 1963). Much less complete, but valuable, are the late Professor Charles

Callan Tansill’s Back Door to War (Chicago, 1952) and Professor A. J. P. Taylor’s The

Origins of the Second World War (New York, 1962). The facts are indisputable, but

many Americans believe that the devastation of Europe and the slaughter of millions of

Europeans was admirable because it pleased Jews.